Would you like to set up your Direct Debit Instruction now? I will need your bank details and your name and address.
Payer agrees.
All I need are your bank details.
If 'Yes', tick the box and continue. If 'No', send a paper Direct Debit Instruction.
- What is the account name?
- What is the account number?
- What is the bank sort code?
This will be on your bank statement or on your cheque book.
If the payer is not sure of their details, issue a paper Direct Debit Instruction.
Enter the details and we will verify that payments by debits can be made from this bank/account.
Could I take your contact details please?
Charterhouse Voice & Data Limited will appear against the Direct Debit on your bank statement.
The details of your Direct Debit Instruction will be confirmed to you within 3 working days or no later than 10 working days before the first collection. If there are changes to amount, date or frequency of the direct debit, we will always give you 10 working days’ notice of your account being debited. In the event of any error, you are entitled to an immediate refund from your bank/building society.